Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g

EAN code : 02179063

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : Pan Burger Baviera Eroski

Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g, code 02179063
Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 02179063, code barre Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g

The product has the EAN code 02179063, it is called Pan Burger Baviera of the brand Eroski, it is distributed with a quantity of 170 g. It contains various allergens and 5 additives the details of which can be found below.

Nutritional values :

Not enough data to provide a report on nutritional values.

Nutritional Scores

Not enough data to generate a nutritional report.

Highly processed foods

Nova score 4 : Highly processed foods

Description :

  • Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g
  • Brand : Eroski
  • Quantity : 170 g
  • Main category : no information
  • Related categories : no information
  • Type of packaging : no information
  • Classification : Pan hamburguesa
  • Date the product was added : 29 Oct 2019

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : Garbera

How many calories in the product Pan Burger Baviera ?

Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

harina de trigo, agua, trigo sarrace no, aceite de oliva virgen extra, pure de patata, (patatas, sal, emulgente:e-471,corrector de acidez:e-330, antioxidante:e-223, (metabisulfito sodico), aroma de curcuma), azucar,levadura, harina de malta de cebada, sal yodada, harina de malta cara melizada, de espelta, extracto de malta, (malta de cebada, agua), harina de malta de centeno, tostada, gluten de trigo, harina de malta de trigo, salvado de trigo,malta de espelta triturada, aceite de lupulo, emulgente: e-472e,antioxidante:e-300,enzimas, puede tener trazas de frutos de cascara, huevo, soja, leche, sesamo

List of product ingredients Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g

May contain palm oil ingredients.

Contains gluten

Additives :

  • E223 - Sodium disulfite
  • E300 - Ascorbic acid (L-)
  • E330 - Citric acid
  • E471 - Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
  • E472e - Monoacetyltartaric ester of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
AdditivesAdditive NameToxicity
E223 Sodium disulfite
to moderate
E300 Ascorbic acid (L-)
No Danger Known
E330 Citric acid
to moderate
E471 Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
E472e Monoacetyltartaric ester of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids

Allergens :

Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies:

Presence of possible traces of :

EAN code 02179063

The EAN code 02179063 corresponds to the product Pan Burger Baviera described above.

EAN code 02179063, Pan Burger Baviera Eroski 170 g
EAN : 02179063

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