Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel

EAN code : 9004617025303

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel

Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel , code 9004617025303
Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 9004617025303, code barre Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel

The product has the EAN code 9004617025303, it is called Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling of the brand Pronurel.

Nutritional values :

Nutritional values
Nutrition Facts
Serving size
Amount per 100 g
% Daily values *
Fat 3.5 g5 %
Saturated Fat 0.5 g3 %
Salt 1.5 g25 %
Sodium 0.6 g25 %
Carbohydrates 15.0 g6 %
fiber 5.1 g17 %
Sugars 1.5 g2 %
Proteins 5.2 g10 %

Nutritional Scores

506 KJ
121 kcal
Nutritional values per 100g.
The percentage is based on the daily intake for an average 2000 calorie diet.

Description :

  • Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel
  • Brand : Pronurel
  • Quantity : no information
  • Main category : no information
  • Related categories : no information
  • Type of packaging : no information
  • Classification : Organic, With sunflower oil
  • Date the product was added : 28 Apr 2017

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : no information

How many calories in the product Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling ?

Each 100g portion of the product "Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel " contains 121 kcal (506 KJ). The pie chart below shows the calorie distribution of the product according to the type of nutrients.

Calorie distribution by fat, protein and carbohydrates for the product Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

soy bran* , carrots* 12%, onion* 9%, water, millet* , bread crumbs* (wheat*, yeast, salt), peas* 5%, celery* 5%, german turnip* 5%, leek* oat nakes*, tofu* (water, soybeans*, clotting agents: calcium sulfate) wheat flour*, vegetable stock* (sea salt, carrots*, celery*, onion* wild gariic* leek*, parsley*, lovage*, fenugreek seed*, corn flour* , sunflower oil* ), sea sait, garlic paste* (garlic, sea salt), parsley* , marjoram*. deep fried in sunflower oil. * ) certified organic. store in a cool, dry place. best before: see back side of pack. flantbutver vegctali ? da coltivazione biologica controllata ingredientï: crusca di soia*, carotte * 12%, cipolle* 9%, acqüa, miglio* pangrattato* (frumento*, lievito, sale), piselli* 5%, sedano* 5%, cavolo 5%, porro* 5%, farina d'avena*, tofu* (acqua, soia*, coagulatore: solfato di calcio), farina di frumento*, brodo vegetale* (sale marino, carotte* sedano * , cipolle*, selvatico aglio*, porro*, prezzemolo * , levistico * semi di {eno*, farina di mais* , olio di girasole*), sale marino, pasta aglio* caglio, sale marino), prezzemolo * maggiorana*. fritti in olio di girasole. * ) da ooltivazione biologica controllata. proteggere dal calore. da consumarsr preferibilmente entro il: vedi retro. outver cuti' légumea ? iaaaa de la culture biologique contrôlée .ingrfrdifjnts: son de soja *i carottes* r 12%, oignons* 9%, eau, millet* chapelure de blé* (blé* levure, sel), pois* 5%, celeri* 5%, chourave* 5% poireau* farine d'avoine* , tofu* (eau, graines de soja* , coagulant: sulfate de ica,lcium), farine de blé* , bouillon de légumes* (sel mer, céleri* , oignons * , ail sauvage* , poireau* , persil* , livèche* graine de fenugrec * farine de maïs* , huile de tournesol * sel de mer, pâte dtdil* (ail sel de mer) persil marjolaine frits dans l'huile de tournesol. ) issus de la culture biologique contrôlée. a preserver de la chaleur et de l'humidité. a consommer de preference avant le: voir date au verso.

List of product ingredients Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel

Should not contain palm oil.

Gluten free

Additives :

No additives noted by the contributors, check the ingredients.

Allergens :

Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies(*) :

(*) According to the analysis of the ingredients

Presence of possible traces of :

No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.

EAN code 9004617025303

The EAN code 9004617025303 corresponds to the product Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling described above.

EAN code 9004617025303, Verival Bio Gemüse Bratling Pronurel
EAN : 9004617025303

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