The product has the EAN code 7792180004925, it is called spaghetti. It contains various allergens the details of which can be found below.
Not enough data to generate a nutritional report.
Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.
harina de trigo 000 enriquecida segun ley n 15.630 (hierro (sulfato ferroso): 30 m/kg, acide olico: 2,2 mg/kg, tiamina (b1): 6,7 mng/kg, riboflavina (b2): 1,3 mg/kg, niacina:13 mg/kg), semola de trigo carideal, colorante:curcuma.
Should not contain palm oil.
Gluten free
No additives noted by the contributors, check the ingredients.
Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies:
No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.
The EAN code 7792180004925 corresponds to the product spaghetti described above.