Product visual : Vegan Deli - Cheddar Bio Fit Food Natural Products | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vegan Deli - Cheddar Bio Fit Food Natural Products
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EAN-13 code : | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The product has the EAN code 5420005753216, it is called Vegan Deli - Cheddar Bio of the brand Fit Food Natural Products. It contains various allergens and 1 additives the details of which can be found below. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nutritional values : | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nutritional Scores | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1,142 KJ
273 kcal
Nutritional values per 100g.
The percentage is based on the daily intake for an average 2000 calorie diet.
Nova score 4 : Highly processed foods
Description : | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location of production and sales | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Each 100g portion of the product "Vegan Deli - Cheddar Bio Fit Food Natural Products " contains 273 kcal (1,142 KJ). The pie chart below shows the calorie distribution of the product according to the type of nutrients.
Ingredients : | ||||||
water, coconut oil*, starch* (corn*, tapioca') canola oil*, pea protein*, sea salt thickener (carrageenan, locust bean gun), natural flavourings (0,7%), spices*, armxiddlt (ciùic m*?ganic agrtulttre - eu/rm eu agriculture mav contain nuts and tranches végétaliennes, goût cheddar - cas maïs', tapioca* , huile de canola*, protéines de pois*, sel de mer, épaississant carraghénane, arine de graines de caroube), aromes naturels (0,7%), épices*, antioxydant (acide biologique - agriculture ue/non ue - peut contenir glutensoà fruits a céleri et moutarde. veganer aufschnitt, mais', tapioka*), rapsôlf, erbsenprotein*, meersalz, verdickungsmittel carrageen, johannisbrotkernmehl), natürliche aromen (0,7%), gewürze*, tioxidationsmittel (zitronensâure) *ôkologischem anbau - eu/nicht eu landwirtschaft - kann glutem soà sellerie und senf enthalten. lonchas veganas tipo queso cheddar - sin sin - ingredientes: agua, aceite de cocoi, almidôn* (maiz*, mandioca*), aceite de colzati proteina de guisantei, sal marina, espesante (carregananos, goma garfftn), aromas naturales (0,790 especias*, antioxidante (écido biolégico - agricultura ue/ no ue - eventualmente puede contener gluten, soja, de fatiasveganas tipo cheddar - sem mandioca*), éleo de colza*, proteina de ervilha*, sal marinho, espessante (carragenina, goma de alfarroba)t aroma natural (0,7%), especiarias*, antioxtdante (écido citrico) *agricultura biolégica - agricultura ue/nâo ue - pode conter vesfgios de glüten, soja, frutos de casca rija, aipo e mostarda. nutritional value ? | ||||||
Should not contain palm oil. Contains gluten | ||||||
Additives : | ||||||
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Allergens : | ||||||
Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies: | ||||||
Presence of possible traces of : | ||||||
No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available. |
The EAN code 5420005753216 corresponds to the product Vegan Deli - Cheddar Bio described above.