Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.
Ingredients : | |||||||||
kolsyrat vatten, jäst och ojäst juice av äpple och päron (25% varav 5% kallpressat äpple), socker, äpplearom, syra (app - lesyra), konserveringsmedel (e202, e224*), *innehåller sulfit, | |||||||||
Should not contain palm oil. Gluten free | |||||||||
Additives : | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Allergens : | |||||||||
No allergens noted by contributors, check ingredients if available. | |||||||||
Presence of possible traces of : | |||||||||
No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available. |
The EAN code 07751141 corresponds to the product sidra described above.