Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr

EAN code : 05910111

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi

Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr, code 05910111
Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 05910111, code barre Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr

The product has the EAN code 05910111, it is called Älpler Magronen of the brand Betty Bossi, it is distributed with a quantity of 400 gr. It contains 4 additives the details of which can be found below.

Nutritional values :

Nutritional Scores

Not enough data to generate a nutritional report.

Highly processed foods

Nova score 4 : Highly processed foods

Description :

  • Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr
  • Brand : Betty Bossi
  • Quantity : 400 gr
  • Main category : no information
  • Related categories : no information
  • Type of packaging : Sous vide
  • Classification : Pure pork
  • Date the product was added : 30 Apr 2019

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : no information

How many calories in the product Älpler Magronen ?

Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

schweinefleischerzeugnis und eigwaren mit kartoffeln, kāse tes avec des pommes de terre, du fromage et un produit à ase de viande de porc asta con patate, formaggio e prodotto a base di carne di maiale utaten: teigwaren 32% (wasser, hartweizengriess, eier aus eilandhaltung), kartoffeln 20%, wasser, rahm, käse 7% chweiz, polen), apfelmark, schweinefleischerzeugnis - peck» 2,5% (schweinefleisch [schweiz], nitritpökelsalz ochsalz, konservierungsstoff [e 250]], gewürze, trauben - cker, maltodextrin, antioxidationsmittel [e 301], konservie - ngsstoff [e 252]), zwiebeln, weisswein, kochsalz jodiert, chsmaisstärke, rapsöl, butter, gewürze, verdickungsmittel 415), zucker. rédients: pâtes 32% (eau, semoule de blé dur, ceufs d'éle - e en plein air), pommes de terre 20%, eau, crème, fromage (suisse, pologne), purée de pommes, produit à base de nde de porc «lard» 2,5% (viande de porc [suisse], sel nitrité de cuisine, conservateur [e 250]], épices, dextrose, malto - trine, antioxydant [e 301], conservateur [e 252]1), oignons, blanc, sel de cuisine iodé, amidon de maïs cireux, huile de a, beurre, épices, épaississant (e 415), sucre. redienti: pasta 32% (acqua, semola di grano duro, uova di vamento all'aperto), patate 20%, acqua, panna, formaggio (svizzera, polonia), polpa di mele, prodotto a base di carn haiale «pancetta» 2,5% ( carne di maiale [svizzeral, sale itato [sale da cucina, conservante [e 250]1, spezie, destro - maltodestrina, antiossidante [e 301], conservante [e 252) lle, vino bianco, sale da cucina iodato, amido di mais cero olio di colza, burro, spezie, addensante (e 415), zucchero.

List of product ingredients Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr

Should not contain palm oil.

Gluten free

Additives :

  • E250 - Sodium nitrite
  • E252 - Potassium nitrate
  • E301 - Sodium ascorbate
  • E415 - Xanthan gum
AdditivesAdditive NameToxicity
E250 Sodium nitrite
E252 Potassium nitrate
E301 Sodium ascorbate
No Danger Known
E415 Xanthan gum
to moderate

Allergens :

No allergens noted by contributors, check ingredients if available.

Presence of possible traces of :

No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.

EAN code 05910111

The EAN code 05910111 corresponds to the product Älpler Magronen described above.

EAN code 05910111, Älpler Magronen Betty Bossi 400 gr
EAN : 05910111

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