Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz

EAN code : 0057000010867

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz

Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz , code 0057000010867
Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 0057000010867, code barre Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz

The product has the EAN code 0057000010867, it is called Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce of the brand Heinz.

Nutritional values :

Not enough data to provide a report on nutritional values.

Nutritional Scores

Not enough data to generate a nutritional report.

Description :

  • Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz
  • Brand : Heinz
  • Quantity : no information
  • Main category : no information
  • Related categories : no information
  • Type of packaging : no information
  • Classification : Natural flavors
  • Date the product was added : 24 Oct 2019

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : no information

How many calories in the product Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce ?

Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

heinz teamed up with kansas city natives and award-winning pitmasters, joe , mike pearce, to craft a kansas city style sauce that is a mouthwatering blend of that sweet and smoky deliciousness that the region is known for heinz a collabore avec des pros du barbecue, joe et mike pearce, originaires de kansas city et gagnants de prix, pour confectionner une sauce style kansas city, cest-a-dire un melange appetissant des delicieux goots sucre et fume qui fait la renommee de cette region, nutrition facts valeur nutritive per 2 tbsp, (30 ml)/pour 2 c, à % ingredients: tomato paste, white vinegar, sugar, brown sugar, water, blackstrap molasses, salt, corn starch, spices and seasonings (anchovies fisht), naturalflavour, nustard, onign powder, garlic powder, xanthan gun, contains anchovies (fish), mustard, ingredients:pate de tomates,vinaigre blanc, sucre, cassomade eau,melasse noire, sel amidon de mais, epices et assaisonnements (anchois poisson), arome naturel, moutarde, poudre d'onghon, powdre d'ail, gomme xanthane contient: anchois (poisson), moutarde, amount % valeur q teneur calories/calories 60 fat/lipides 0 g saturated/saturés 0 g trans/trans 0 g cholesterol / cholestérol 0 mg sodium/sodium 310 mg 04050032677400 of carbohydrate / glucides 15 g fibre/fibres 0g sugars/sucres 13 g protein / protéines 1 g vitamin a/ vitamine a vitamin c/vitamine c o 5700001086 7 calcium /calcium iron /fer mported by /wmporte par kraft g 2

List of product ingredients Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz

Should not contain palm oil.

Gluten free

Additives :

No additives noted by the contributors, check the ingredients.

Allergens :

Substances likely to cause intolerances and allergies(*) :

(*) According to the analysis of the ingredients

Presence of possible traces of :

No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.

EAN code 0057000010867

The EAN code 0057000010867 corresponds to the product Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce described above.

EAN code 0057000010867, Heinz Kansas City barbecue sauce Heinz
EAN : 0057000010867

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